Guidos animated fist pumping

7/19/09 -Guidette */ ?>

7/19/09 -Guidette

fearsomefoursomeDizamn! A fearsome foursome to say the least. Straight heartbreakers in this pic. So I don’t know if one of you ladies or creepy McGee back there sent this in, but what are the chances these girls know your in this pic? I’ll ask the readers…hahaha. On the right, those earrings look heavy.

5/03/2009 -Guidette */ ?>

5/03/2009 -Guidette


Uhh…excuse me ladies, will you take this picture with me? hahaha. awesome. Congrats girls or dude, either way you made the wall.

4/05/2009 -Guidette */ ?>

4/05/2009 -Guidette

Dudes…we’re just mesmerized by this girl. Be careful, this photo Will Hypnotize you. You will start having nightmares and fist pumping in your sleep. If you choose to keep reading and looking up at this photo, we take no responsibility for what happens to your health.


1/11/09 -Guidette */ ?>

1/11/09 -Guidette


“Kissy faces, identical makeup, iridescent lipstick on one and lipliner that’s five shades too dark on the other and all of this…in a bathroom…how much more stereotypically Jersey could it get? I’m from Northern NJ where the concentration of these girls seems to be highest; I love being a Jersey girl, but in the Bruce Springsteen sense…not the awful connotation it’s turned into….oh I hope this guido/guidette madness ends soon!!!”

Ah hmm….excuse me…ends soon?  Don’t you mean takes over?  My friends…it’s a new year.  We’re only getting more emails and more hits, its spreading!

Best of 2007 */ ?>

Best of 2007

I’ve scoured the internet and sorted through tens of emails to bring you…The Guido of the Week! Enjoy

long island guidos

Thanks for the pic and the commentary!

Iced out watch – check

freshly waxed eyebrows – check (3X)

Cranberry & Goose – check

Guido peace sign (complete with star finger tattoo) – check

enjoy…this was taken somewhere in long island…a place I hope I never end up at any time during my life…some girl i went to highschool with had them on facebook.

Happy New Year Everybody



guido kids

This was almost passed over as the weeks winner as we had a record number of entries. However, the accompanying baby picture really sent it over the edge. The Guido learns from a young age.


Just 4 Guidos getting ready to party. Oh wait oh wait…

“These 4 boys are from northern bergen county born…somehow, four non-italians trained themselves to be guidos.”

See, with a little hard work and dedication, on top of your new F’ing haircut, you too can make the guido of the week. Thanks for the pic!


guido women Dude are you F’ing kiddin me? What the hell is happening to my world? I woke up this mornign and ate some breakfast, this wasn’t going on was it? Already …this past weekend Guiido dudes were dressing up like ladies? cmon now. I’ll admit, this was a late entry as most of the winners seem to be, and further I’m wasted. My company had a Holiday party on a Sunday night. Whats up with that? I’m frigging hamboned and I gotta show up in like 7 hours, but yet, I come home to to this email. Guidos of the week. Hell, I’m making this both the Guido and Guidette of the week. Keep sending the emails.


italian jersey

A late entry takes this weeks contest. Our first Guido of the week that is actually repping Italy with the soccer jersey. We all know he’s actually pointing at the multiple blings hanging around his neck., but solid. Thanks for the email,


jersey guido kid

“Sick guido wit a chinstrap and crazy blowout” You ain’t lying. I want guesses on time spent for the blowout on a daily basis. Tell your buddy he’s famous.


guido halloween or not

Like the song in Karate Kid goes…You’re the best arouuuuund, no one gonna ever bring you down! I ask you this, real or Halloween? Sign up in the forum and vote.

11/18/07guido halloween


There were some hilarious entries, but these dudes from Penn State took the cake. Happy Valley will never be the same. Props for the 2 bottles of Jager in the shot. Nice headbands, great sunglasses, especially you, the tall dude. Excellent haircut dude on the back right and good attitude middle finger guys in the middle. Enjoy your reign as guido champions all year. Fughet about it huh!


jersey shore guidos

Better call Willy Wonka… Cuz a couple of Guido’s escaped. Thanks to Phatwonder for sharing the “Guido Oompa” with us. Amazing…


jersey guido

Our first ever Guido of the week makes a reappearance! (Left) Thanks for emailing us this gem. Apparently the dude has friends! err friend. Rockthepose.

10/21/07guido haircut

umm…blowout haircut. yes you win this week. well done.

10/14/07jersey fist pump

jersey first pumper

belmar champ

The Guidos are back from Europe and have tons of pics we took out there and tons of pics from you guys! Thanks. Save up to 65% on flights! Get $10 off instantly. Lowest airfare guarantee. Book now.
This Guidtastic fist pumping is courtesy of Kristen and makes our Guido of the week with shirt, hair, and intensity.


brazilian guido

brazilian guido dude

Whats up Pumpers! The Guidos just got back from fulfilling a life long Eurotrip dream. The hot sun on the beaches of Ibiza, the smell of fresh italian food, the refreshing taste of Hofbrau beer at 10AM at Oktoberfest, and a sight we will never forget, our new buddy and guido of the trip, the Guidzillo. Save up to 65% on flights! Get $10 off instantly. Lowest airfare guarantee. Book now.

Now I’m going on a limb here, but we met some Brazilians that could hold their own in a Jersey Fist Pumping Contest. (coming soon, keep sending us pics and vids). This guy was a true party animal and a natural at the fist pump like I’ve never seen. We’ve created a hybrid term for these special Brazilian Guidos, Guidzillos.

Septemberish 07

jersey style

Cause It’s hard to read.

1.500.00 sunglasses

2.Blow out Hair cut. Also used as awespon for starring when in roid rage fights

3.Chanel Earrigns, Good for turning guys on

4. Huge Jawline from continuous steroids and human growth hormone use

5. Yes, Yes, he is really fucking wearing lip gloss good for sucking ____.

6. Ultra Juiced up body to walk the beach at Seaside.

7. Cross-goes perfect with his shirt talking about his ____.

9. Huge steroid zit.

10. Ultra tight wife beater with the corniest saying u can find on it.


9/2/07tight shirt dude

Where do you buy shirts like that? And what time is that store open till, cause i want two.

8/26/07lil guidos

In plain English, a classic. Vertical stripes and popped collars just screaming, “holler at this. babe”


old jersey shore guy

We just love the commitment.

8/12/07big time guido

Hair…check. Chain…check

8/05/07lee hotti

Killing you softly with my chinstrap…killing you softly…


A clear obvious winner. Chicks dig him, obvi.


down the shore wannabee

BONUS PIC! Guido in Training. Hows he doing? According to his friends, “he’s not there, but he will be and he does a no holds bar pump fist.”