Guidos animated fist pumping

Jersey Girls

10/25/09 -Guidette */ ?>

10/25/09 -Guidette


Just got a tongue ring in there and you’ll be 100% complete.  Halloween IS coming up you know.  Think about it.  Thanks for the pic.  Can’t disappoint a jersey girl.

10/18/09 */ ?>



douchey?  nearly nipple hottie?  Ya’ll make your own comments about this one.  I’m gonna let the picture speak a thousand words.

10/4/09 */ ?>



10 4, guido alert!  We have a winner for the week.  3 solid contenders, can’t pick a winner.  Plus a top notch guidette getting ready to pump that fist up.  No shit talking for me.

9/28/09 -Guidette */ ?>

9/28/09 -Guidette


An entry from Florida huh?  Damn, we’ll take it.  Keeping it real for sure.  I like bud light…I like those shades, why not let a Floridian hot chick win?

9/21/09 */ ?>



We try not to let too much crap slip onto the site, but this is one of those pics that gets sent in where I think “man, I think this is fake, but very very easily real.”  It’s like a sports game, I decided to put it up here and the evidence is inconclusive to pull it down.  So congrats.  Winners.  Be glorious ye ol chick with douche.

9/14/09 -Guidette */ ?>

9/14/09 -Guidette


PUMP PUMP PUMP!  Love it!  Thanks for this pic.  Will you take my girl shopping with you?  Man, best back to school outfit of all time.

Can I get some VIP passes to this party? */ ?>

Can I get some VIP passes to this party?


Back center, you ready to go from zero to hero?  Call me.

A double whammy winner, classic guido and guidette action.

8/17/09 */ ?>



Good things come in pairs apparently.

“Here’s a pick of my Hackensack-guido friends at a bowling ally in
South Carolina. I call it ‘The Mini Guinies.’ You could say they stand
out in a crowd… at least around here.”

The South is really coming out of it’s shell lately.  Weeze be taking over dat shiz

8/10/09 -Guidette */ ?>

8/10/09 -Guidette


That’s the sexiest zebra I ever darn saw.  She doesn’t look that interested in homeboy though, kind of looking away….my way.  booya!

8/3/09 -Guidette */ ?>

8/3/09 -Guidette


Another week where I just really don’t need to say anything.  Check out this email I got.

Hii mR. GUiiD0! :o) N0w, let mii teLl yU; Th@t I –>> MiiSs JaCqueline Jaii* <– am the DEFiNiTi0N of a J3RS3Y GiiRL! i OnLy d8 GuiiD0s &* i aM 1 tAn && tRue b*tch !! My J3rs3y fRiiENds && mii L0VE yUr S1TE!! iT GiV3s us sUm of tha -REC0GNiTi0N- th@t We DESzERVE!~ Sum pPL h@v @lreadi seNt iiN Sum ov mi piXx, buht ! yU n3vr put um UHPP!! :'( nD uR q0nna mayke mi streak mi mak3up! :'( i D0Nt get How theese 0thur girls win 0vr me? whAteva th0… yU kan maKe it uP 2 m3 :o) iLL s3nd u L0TZ 0f piXx of mi & mi FRiENDZ aLl tha TiMe :o) L0v u! R3sp3ct J3rz3y !! xx

x0o PRiNCESsA GUid3TTe

((senDin yu a pik of mi showin my guido pryde!))

Believe me, I don’t have time to make this up.